2001 Mardi Gras Pictures

Eunice, February 25 and 26, 2001

The pictures on this page depict activities in Eunice on Sunday and Monday before Mardi Gras.

On Sunday, downtown Eunice hosted an old-fashioned boucherie: hog butchering and preparation of all kinds of Cajun pork dishes: boudin, cracklins, pork stew, and other traditional dishes. Each Sunday before Mardi Gras, starting about 10 a.m., a hog is actually cut up, and the meat is distributed to the cooks who are ready with their large black pots and other customary utensils.  Bands start playing music about 11 a.m. and continue into the afternoon.

Meanwhile, the Eunice Children's Courir is making its way through the town's streets, stopping for chicken chases at several spots.  The children ride on trailers.  About 3 p.m., a large crowd watches the courir parade down Second Street.

On Monday every year, the street dance begins in the early evening and continues late into the night. Pictured is J.C. Carriere (on accordion) and Hot Step, and, in the right column, Junior Melancon on accordion, leader of the Come Down Playboys.

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eunicem3.jpg (17588 bytes) This is what Second Street in Eunice looks like about 10:30 p.m. the Monday before Mardi Gras, shot using a digital camera rated at about 80 ASA.


Posted 8-25-01